Outreach and Drop-in Centers (ODIC) in Asia and the Pacific

The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CPDAP), decided to establish a series of ODICs in Asia and the Pacific, particularly in areas and countries deemed to be most in need of treatment facilities. To ensure that the ODICs are run by competent and skillful staff and provide quality and standard services that would bring about the expected outcome. CPDAP took the initiative to bring together a group of individuals who are knowledgeable about drug addiction, appreciate the difficulties associated with drug addiction treatment, and are experienced in the management of drug treatment facilities, with the aim of collectively preparing a manual on the management and organization of ODICs. In Bangladesh AMIC-Dhaka Ahsania Mission has selected to establish an ODIC in Dhaka with the support of The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CPDAP).
Objectives of the ODIC are mention bellow:
1. Identifying hidden populations (Drug users) and conducting base-line surveys
2. Provide safe place for recovery from drug dependence
3. Achieve abstinence and social re-integration for clients
4. Address family issues and social factors that contribute to client drug use
5. Provide appropriate training and job placement opportunities for clients