ADB team visited Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project DNCC PA-5

Asian Development Bank (ADB) team visited Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (UPHCSDP), DNCC PA-5 implementing by DAM on 29 April’2017. The team visited the Nagar Matri Sadan & Nagar Shastho kendro-2. Mr. Briayan Chain, Team Leader, ADB, Manila, Former Secretary of Bangladesh Govt and Senior   Consultant Mr. Diraj Kumar Nath, Principal Country Specialist Joyota Sana Bharma, Program Specialist of Sweden Embassy Dr. Jahirul Islam ,  ADB Project development Technical Members were visited and discussed about the project activities and it’s progress.  During this time Project Director of UPHCSDP Mr. Abdul Hakim Majumder,  ndc and DAM Assistant director Md. Mukhlesur Rahman were also present during this time. DAM UPHCSDP Project Manager gave a power point presentation on the project activities. After that Clinic Manager, Dr. Naila Parveen facilitated the visit of CRHCC and described the health services and its related activities elaborately.  Afterwards they visited the activities of PHCC-02 at Uttara, Sector-04.