Male Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre Established in 2004 in the district of Gazipur & 2010 in the district of Jashore. The treatment and rehabilitation center aims to provide clients with individualized quality treatment services. A comprehensive, holistic approach is implemented not only to assist clients in becoming drug-free but to provide life skills, vocational training, and psychosocial support through counseling. The treatment emphasizes not only social rehabilitation but also economic rehabilitation and has recently created a Vocational Training Centre on-site to capacitate clients in a range of skills including electronics, garments, and refrigeration. An integrated method of a therapeutic community and the 12- steps of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are implemented. Clients who are admitted will first undergo 14 days of detoxification then start long-term treatment (approximately 6 months) which after completion are provided with follow-up aftercare.
Family support groups and community groups are also organized and family counseling provided to help in mending broken relationships and sensitizing family members on drug abuse.