Family Meeting on Substance Use Disorders and Relapse Prevention Held

Family Meeting on Substance use Disorders & Relapse Prevention by FDTC.
On 25th November, 2017, a family meeting was held in the Health Sector Office of the Dhaka Ahsania Mission, with the family members of the clients who have come to take treatment in Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (FDTC) for increasing the involvement of family members in drug addiction treatment. At the beginning of the meeting, counselor of Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (FDTC) delivered her welcome speech. Then another counselor Abida Sultana presented illustrative information about the efforts of the guardians to prevent relapse of drug addiction. After that, addiction Professionals and Senior Counselor Mr. Amir Hussain discuss the meter. In the open discussion, they answered guardian’s different questions. In the meeting, a recovery sharing her healthy life experience. Finally, Program Officer of the Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Umme Jannat closed the meeting by thanking to everyone. The meeting was moderated by Momotaj Khatun, Case Manager of Female Drug Treatment Center (FDTC) and Rehabilitation Center.