Ahsania Mission Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Dhaka and Gazipur Center jointly arrange a family metting
Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Dhaka and Ahsania Mission Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Gazipur center jointly arrange a family meeting on 23 July 2017 in Dhaka Ahsania Mission’s Head office conference room. At the starting of the meeting counselor of female center Shermin Abedin conduct a session on relaxation. After that, Counselor of Gazipur & female center Md. Maidul Islam and Shermin Abedin presented video clip and information about different stages of drug addiction treatment, after care and guardian role in drug addiction treatment. The main subject of this discussion meeting was co-dependency. Addiction professionals & psychologist Dr. Aktaruzzaman Selim and Senior Counselor of DAM Mr. Amir Hossain was also present at the discussion meeting and after discussion they answered guardian’s different queries. In recovery session a female and male recovery shared their experience about drug addiction. The meeting was ended through share the family member’s feelings and opinion. The overall meeting was facilitated by Jannat Koni, Program Officer of Female Drug Treatment Center and Azizul Hakim, Center Manager of Gazipur Center.