Advocacy for mainstreaming and sustainable implementation of Tobacco Control Law and campaign against TI tactics targeting students and youths
Project Scope:
Entire Dhaka city: 94 wards of the both Dhaka City Corporations. Total area: 276 square km and countrywide hospitality sectors, Bangladesh Police, transport sector, CAMPE, Teachers Association, Journalists, Students and Youths.
Name of Donor:
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Project Duration:
15 February 2017 to 14 May 2018
Project Summary:
The project “Advocacy for mainstreaming and sustainable implementation of Tobacco Control Law and campaign against TI tactics targeting students and youths” is a continuation of “Advocacy for Comprehensive Implementation of Tobacco Control Law in Dhaka City” and “A Step towards Smoke-free Dhaka City” project which has implemented by Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) over the last five years. The project has focused on develop and implementation of Hospitality Sector strategy, mainstreaming the Tobacco Control law in Ministry of Civil aviation and Tourism, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education (MOE) and build capacity of Hospitality Sector, Bangladesh Police, BRTA and support increased compliance of 100% Smoke Free policies in public places. To continue the work with Dhaka City Corporations and various stakeholders including Bangladesh Restaurant Owners Association (BROA), Bangladesh Shop Owners Association (BOSA) about the tobacco control law and rules and to support enforcement of the TAPS provision, pictorial health warning and Ban of Sale to and by Minors through mobile court operation and advocacy with appropriate stakeholders. The project has also focused on undertake campaign against aggressive marketing of tobacco products by TIs targeting youth and students through involving Teachers Associations, Scouts, Bangladesh Girls Guide Association, Rotary Club, Lion Club, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) and Social Media campaign.
Project Objectives:
The purpose of this project is to protect people from second hand smoke and prevent new youth tobacco users through mainstreaming tobacco control law in various sectoral policies (hospitality sector, law enforcement agency, local government, transport sector, educational institutions, Teachers Associations, Scouts, Bangladesh Girls Guide Association, etc.) and its sustainable implementation.
The project objectives are as follows:
- OBJECTIVE 1: To develop implementation strategy/policy and build capacity of Hospitality Sector, Police, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) and support increased compliance of 100% Smoke Free policies in public places
- OBJECTIVE 2: To continue the work with Dhaka City Corporations and various stakeholders about the sustainable implementation of tobacco control law and rules.
- OBJECTIVE 3: To support enforcement of the TAPS provision, pictorial health warning and Ban of Sale to and by Minors through mobile court operation and advocacy with appropriate stakeholders in Dhaka.
- OBJECTIVE 4: To undertake campaign against aggressive marketing of tobacco products by TIs targeting youth and students.