Advocacy For Comprehensive Implementation Of Tobacco Control Law In Dhaka City” Project
The Government of Bangladesh has been signed and ratified Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) accordingly formulated Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control) Act 2005, so smoking is prohibited at public places and public transports in Bangladesh. But veracity is that most of the public places and transports which have articulated by the law still are not fully smoke free. In addition, the law does not express about 100% smoke free environment for most of the public places and transports. As a result large number of peoples are effecting by second hand smoking.
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and having about 15 million populations. It is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Dhaka City is at the center of all major economic, social, political and cultural activities of the nation. Even though the ‘Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control) Act 2005’ establishes smoke-free public places and transports, the enforcement of the law in Dhaka City is very limited. As a result, the people of Dhaka City are highly exposed to second hand tobacco smoke. Thus it is essential for protecting Dhaka city dwellers from second hand smoking. Smoke-free initiative in Dhaka City is substantially important not only for its large population, but also for its political significance as the Capital City of the country. Accordingly Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been implementing“Advocacy for Comprehensive Implementation of Tobacco Control Law in Dhaka City” project funded by Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) under Bloomberg Initiatives. We do believe this project will be symbolized a lot of advancement of the tobacco control movement as well as reduce second hand smoke and make Smoke free Dhaka by establishing 100% smoke-free indoor environments in the city & necessary amendment of tobacco control law.
Present Project activities are –
- To increase awareness among Dhaka city residents and various stakeholders about the amended tobacco control law.
• To build capacity of responsible institutions, and support increased compliance of 100% Smoke Free policies in public transports and public places in Dhaka city, and restaurants across the country.
• To support enforcement of the newly amended TAPS provision and Ban of Sale to and By Minors through mobile court operation and advocacy with appropriate stakeholders in Dhaka.